Tuesday, 29 September 2015

First Post

Hi there and welcome to my blog.

I'm not big on these things, so don't expect many updates, but I'll try and keep this updated with what I'm currently working on (Projects section) and a little about me (About)

The main blog will primarily be status updates on projects I'm working on (right now We Go Forth and Pollex) or neat stuff I find. There's no plan as of yet.

A bit of introduction, I'm an Indie Game Developer from Melbourne. I've worked on a lot of random stuff, but nothing major commercial yet. I'm primarily a coder, but I really enjoy playing with visual effects and I'm trying to improve my skills in sound editing. I've worked on stuff from FPSes to topdown arena games. Check out my projects section, it's got a bunch of stuff I've worked on (and most of it is free!)

I'm a big fan of video games and I play pretty much anything. A few of my favourites are Starcraft: Brood War, F.E.A.R. and Dragon's Dogma, but in all honestly I play a whole lot more than just those and I like to draw inspiration for stuff I work on from as many places as I can. Video games are awesome!

Anyhow, stay tuned for general video games discussion, game development stuff and just whatever else pops into my head.